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Guinea-Bissau: International consultancy to conduct an evaluation of the UNICEF/EU project on women and girls’ rights in the regions of Bafatá, Gabu, Oio and Bolama/Bijagós, Guinea Bisau (Consultancy)

Organization: UN Children's Fund
Country: Guinea-Bissau
Closing date: 15 Mar 2017

Purpose of the Assignment

This evaluation is undertaken to fulfil the UNICEF accountability to the donor, which is the European Union. The final evaluation of the project is a provision of the partnership agreement between European Union as the donor and UNICEF. The evaluation should be undertaken to provide the donor with a report on the assessment of the implementation of the project, its main results, constraints and lessons learnt. The evaluation will also constitute an opportunity of organizational learning for UNICEF as it intends to draw lessons to better inform its future interventions in the areas of women and girls' rights. In addition to UNICEF and the European Union, the findings of the evaluation are particularly important and useful to the Ministry of Woman, Children and Social Cohesion as a member of the project's steering committee and to the implementing NGOs (AMIC and ODHDC).

In order to respond to this double purpose of accountability to the main donor and learning by various stakeholders, the evaluation will be guided by the Norms and Standards issued by the United Nation Evaluation Group and will focus on the following criteria: relevance, effectiveness and efficiency. Given the elapsed time between the project completion and the evaluation, elements of the project impacts and sustainability could also be highlighted when possible.


The objective of this work is to conduct a summative evaluation to assess the extent to which and how the project has met its specific objectives and contributed to the overall objective. The final external evaluation of the project "Promoting Women and Girls' Rights in the regions of Bafatá, Gabu, Oio and Bolama/Bijagós" will be carried out during the first quarter of 2017 to:

  • Systematically assess the effectiveness of the programmes including the achieved results, the enabling factors and constraints in achieving these results.
  • Assess the transparency and efficiency use of resources as well as the relevance of the project to the national and community needs in terms of women and girl's rights, and
  • Prioritize key recommendations that will support the improvement of the programme or scale-up.
  • Scope and focus of the evaluation

  • The overall final evaluation, planned in the project interventions, will have to analyse the implementation of all project results and objectives agreed in the EU/UNICEF project document. The evaluation will review the entire project period of implementation (2012-December 2015) and include the four (4) country regions covered by the project as well as the target groups and final beneficiaries of the implemented interventions, including communities. The evaluation will be carried out at a regional, sector and community level (village/tabanca) in the Bafatá, Gabú, Oio and Bolama/Bijagós regions, as a means of obtaining comprehensive information for measuring project's effectiveness, relevance and efficiency. The target groups to be considered for the evaluation include the implementing NGOs, communities' traditional and religious leaders, Child Protection regional institutional actors, CSOs and direct beneficiaries which are girls and women from the four (4) intervention regions. The evaluation should also focus on the main topics covered by the project especially the legal, institutional and socio-community frameworks that shape women and girl's rights and illustrates how and the extent to which the project integrates them and contribute to close identified needs gaps in the country and regions. The potential users of the evaluation are UNICEF and EU, the implementing NGOs, as well as the Ministry of Woman, Family and Social Cohesion, through the Institute of Woman and Child and the National Committee for the Abandonment of Harmful Practices.

  • Main questions of the evaluation

    It is proposed that the evaluation focuses on relevance, effectiveness and efficiency. These criteria should be used to evaluate the project implementation, the logic of intervention and the integration of human rights and gender mainstreaming components into project activities.

    The following key evaluation questions should be considered for this final evaluation; for each of these questions it will be relevant to also take into consideration issues of human rights and gender mainstreaming. Some sub-evaluation/monitoring questions are suggested for each key evaluation questions.


    Key Evaluation Question: How relevant was the project to strengthen the legal, institutional and socio-community framework and capacities to trigger favourable behaviours to girls and women's rights?

  • How well did the project address the needs of female community members in terms of girls and women's rights awareness?
  • How well did the project address capacity gaps of various stakeholders and legal and institutional shortcomings for the promotion of women and girl's rights?
  • Effectiveness:

    Key evaluation question: How effective was the project in contributing to the implementation of the legal, institutional, social and community framework for girls and women's rights?

  • To what extent, the legal national framework is now able as result of the contribution of the project to address adequately negative behaviours and practices toward women and girls?
  • To which extent, the project contributed to strengthen the legal, institutional and socio-community framework?
  • How effective are now community leaders and community management members as the result of the project in taking care of female victims of harmful practices?
  • How effective are now community leaders and community management members as the result of the project in preventing violations of women and girl's rights?
  • Efficiency:

    Key evaluation question: How efficient was the project in using resources (inputs) to reach the project's specific objectives?

  • How well the financial, human and material resources (and other inputs within the project) have been used to achieve the results?
  • Gender and equity

  • How well are human rights and gender equality components integrated in the implementation of this program to arouse favourable behaviours toward girls and women's rights?
  • Sustainability

  • UNICEF intends to continue supporting, within the regular Child Protection programme, the Regional Intervention Units (URIs) and the social care centers. Therefore, the evaluation should provide indications on how the results achieved through the project are sustainable or could be strengthened to ensure their sustainability.
  • To what extent the project developed an effective monitoring framework to inform progress and decisions for continuous improvements?
  • To what extent extent the project used UNICEF´s comparative advantages in protecting women and girls' rights in the regions of Bafatá, Gabu, Oio and Bolama/Bijagós to coordinate interventions on protection, considering as well the added-value in soft advocacy, pool funding and partnerships to achieve project outcomes?
  • To what extent, the legal national framework is now able as result of the contribution of the project to address adequately negative behaviours and practices toward women and girls?
  • To which extent, the project contributed to strengthen the legal, institutional and socio-community framework?
  • How effective are now community leaders and community management members as the result of the project in taking care of female victims of harmful practices?
  • How effective are now community leaders and community management members as the result of the project in preventing violations of women and girl's rights?
  • Efficiency:

    Key evaluation question: How efficient was the project in using resources (inputs) to reach the project's specific objectives?

  • How well the financial, human and material resources (and other inputs within the project) have been used to achieve the results?
  • Gender and equity

  • How well are human rights and gender equality components integrated in the implementation of this program to arouse favourable behaviours toward girls and women's rights?
  • Sustainability

  • UNICEF intends to continue supporting, within the regular Child Protection programme, the Regional Intervention Units (URIs) and the social care centers. Therefore, the evaluation should provide indications on how the results achieved through the project are sustainable or could be strengthened to ensure their sustainability.
  • To what extent the project developed an effective monitoring framework to inform progress and decisions for continuous improvements?
  • To what extent extent the project used UNICEF´s comparative advantages in protecting women and girls' rights in the regions of Bafatá, Gabu, Oio and Bolama/Bijagós to coordinate interventions on protection, considering as well the added-value in soft advocacy, pool funding and partnerships to achieve project outcomes?

    A mixed-method approach should be considered to develop data collection tools and to collect and analyse quantitative and qualitative data to answer the outlined key evaluation questions. The quantitative component should consist of a secondary analysis of existing data. A systematic review of the existent data is thus required. The qualitative part of the mixed method should include observations, interviews based on a purposeful identification of informants and selected case studies. All regions should be systematically covered for the review of existing data for quantitative analysis. The purposeful sample for the interviews should be composed of informants from the four regions while case studies may be limited to two regions. The consultant should also use triangulation in order to assess the validity of information collected or data reviewed. The evaluation methods will be further fine-tuned during the inception phase.

    Possible data sources are beneficiaries (women and girls), major stakeholders and the Regional Intervention Units (URIs) responsible for providing shelter, care, referral and follow-up on cases of violence against women and girls.


    After the consultant be selected, a working session with the major stakeholders (UNICEF, EU and implementing NGOs) shall be conducted in order to present the evaluation purpose and questions, the methodology and agree on a work plan and timeline if necessary. Project implementing partners will facilitate desk research by providing the project documentation and other information necessary to carry out the final evaluation

  • The Consultant shall prepare and submit an inception report that includes the technical proposal with methodology and work plan for the elaboration of the evaluation;
  • Organize data collection and collect quantitative and qualitative data;
  • Conduct the final evaluation;
  • Provide recommendations to UNICEF and implementing partners for the continuation of the RIUs' intervention and the Gabu shelter.
  • Provide recommendations to the EU Delegation.
  • Review draft of report in line with contributions and feedbacks provided by implementing partners.
  • Jointly with UNICEF and EU, prepare and conduct (including preparation of agenda, program, and facilitation tools), the presentation of the evaluation's key findings, lessons learned and recommendations.

    The consultant will be expected to deliver on the following:

  • Inception report including methods, plan of analysis, tools for data collection, evaluation matrix
  • Draft report including summary document with key findings, lessons learned and recommendations (English and Portuguese version).
  • Final report of project evaluation presented to UNICEF and EU for validation.
  • Power-point presentation with key findings, lessons learned and recommendations.
  • The work being developed under the framework of this TOR will have a maximum duration of 6 weeks, until the presentation of the evaluation's final report.

    After signature of the contract, the consultant has to submit the inception report within 3 days, and execute the following tasks as described in the table below:





    Deliverables and Payments

    March 2017

    3 days

    Activity 1:

    Develop the technical proposal with methodology and work plan for the elaboration of the evaluation (This should be done remotely).

    · The inception report submitted and approved.

    · 20% of payment

    March 2017

    3 days

    Activity 2:

    Review existing and related documents available, desktop review (This should be done remotely).

    · Desktop review document

    April 2017

    8 days

    Field Work and data Collection

    · Field Work completed and data collected

    · 30% of payment

    April 2017

    12 days

    Activity 3:

    Conduct the final evaluation of the EU/UNICEF project, in collaboration with implementing organizations (AMIC and ODHDC).

    · Draft of final evaluation report available and submitted to UNICEF and EU as well as to implementing partners.

    · 20% of payment

    April/May 2017

    5 days

    Activity 4:

    Review draft of report in line with contributions and feedbacks provided by implementing partners and share.

    Jointly with UNICEF and EU, prepare and conduct (including preparation of agenda, program, and facilitation tools), the presentation of the evaluation's key findings, lessons learned and recommendations.

    · Power-point presentation with key findings, lessons learned and recommendations.

    · Agenda, program, and facilitation tools of the working session available.

    · Working session conducted and report available.

    Summary document with key findings, lessons learned and recommendations (English and Portuguese version).

    · 30% of payment

    Qualifications of Successful Candidate

    The work will be undertaken by an international consultant. The consultant will perform the evaluation with the aim of answering the key evaluation questions that will guide adequate data collection methods. Besides answering the evaluation questions, the evaluation report will have to provide the lessons learned and recommendations on how some specific activities can be improved for future planning.

    The following qualifications are required for the principal consultant:


    University degree, preferably in social sciences (sociology, anthropology, social service), psychology or, development studies. A specialized training in areas such as evaluation, project management, social statistics, advanced statistical research and analysis is desirable.

    Working experience:

  • A minimum of height (8) years professional experience in evaluation including:

  • Design and management of evaluation processes;
  • Social science research;
  • Project monitoring and management
  • The Consultant is also expected to have a specialized experience and/or technical knowledge in the following areas;

  • Human rights-based approaches to programming;
  • Gender considerations;
  • Quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis
  • The Consultant should have strong drafting and analytical skills
  • Language:

  • Fluency in English or French (written & verbal) is required. Knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese is considered an asset.
  • The Consultant should have the following additional competencies and skills:

  • Ability to manage and conduct analyses, through compilation and presentation of data, monitoring and evaluation and progress reports;
  • Excellent skills in facilitation, team building and mediation;
  • Proven ability in setting priorities and planning, coordinating and monitoring its own work plan;
  • Ability to work with multidisciplinary teams and involving a high mobility on the field;
  • Fully proficient computer skills including use of relevant software and other applications.
  • Ability to work in an international or multicultural environment.
  • Working experience in developing countries.

  • The consultancy, on a SSA type contract at the L4 level, will have a 6 weeks duration and will start no later than February 2017 and run till April 2017.
  • As a general principle, the fees payable to a consultant shall follow the best value for money principle (achieving the desired outcome at the lowest possible fee). Therefore, the consultants are required to indicate their fees for services to be provided.
  • The consultant will work in UNICEF Guinea-Bissau office and will travel to the field (based on the work plan agreed on with the supervisor and national counterparts) using UNICEF transport in respect of the regulations of the Organization.
  • The consultant will work with its own computer.
  • The consultant will work under the Chief of Social Policy, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation.Duration of the contract is 6 weeks including 4 days of remote work with full-time engagement, five days per week.
  • As a general principle, the fees payable to a consultant shall follow the best value for money principle (achieving the desired outcome at the lowest possible fee). Therefore, the consultants are required to indicate their fees for services to be provided (financial proposed to be attached in application dossier).

    Services: Office space, photocopying & printing, supplies, secretarial support.


    Under The supervision of the Chief of Social Policy, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, the evaluation methodology that will be developed by the Consultant should follow and integrate UNEG norms and standards, and ethical guidelines.

    The ethical standards require that when programs are dealing with human participants, the 'no-harm' principle should apply. The consultant should provide sufficient and accurate information to individuals and institutions who are the data sources for the evaluation. It must be guaranteed that confidentiality and anonymity will be maintained at all times when handling sensitive and private information. Consent from respondents must be obtained.

    Given the nature of UNICEF's interventions in providing assistance to children and mothers, the consultant must integrate a human-rights and gender equality approach. The evaluation project will guarantee individuals' human rights and equal treatment of men and women when engagement with beneficiaries, and at the time of data collection and analysis.

    The consultant should refer to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to ensure no contradiction with its principles and articles. Additionally, to ensure equal treatment and respect of female and male program participants' information and responses, the consultant will refer to the UN Women Evaluation Handbook: How to manage gender-responsive evaluation.

    Competencies of Successful Candidate

    To view our competency framework, please click here.

    Please indicate your ability, availability and daily/monthly rate (in US$) to undertake the terms of reference above (including travel and daily subsistence allowance, if applicable). Applications submitted without a daily/monthly rate will not be considered.

    UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organisation.

    How to apply:

    UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organization. To apply, click on the following link http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/?job=503183

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